BrainTap | FBC 2023
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We believe in mind, body, and soul experience at Frisco Body Contouring!


Revitalize your overall wellness through better brain fitness. Activate your brain’s peak potential and tap into different neural pathways to think, sleep, and perform, better.

BrainTap is a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the power of sound and light to stimulate the brain's natural processes.

With more than 1,800 unique sessions, you can better any part of your life,effortlessly!

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Couple Cooking
Woman Sleeping

Weight Wellness

Experience Restful Sleep

Stress Management

Visualize your desired weight loss goals and create a powerful mental image as yourself healthy and fit. This visualization process helps to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes towards weight loss, and commitment to a weight loss journey.

Sleep deprivation has a harmful impact on carbohydrate metabolism and endocrine function, which leads to weight gain. BrainTap's scientifically-proven audio technology induces deep rejuvenating sleep.

When you're under stress (physiologic or psychological) you're producing cortisol which exacerbates insulin resistance leading to weight gain. 

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Relaxing Bath

Enhance Your Focus

Enjoy Energetic Interactions

Revitalize Mind and Body

When you're focused, there's no limit to what you can achieve. BrainTap's technology helps you tune out distractions, unlocking new levels of inspiration and creativity. With enhanced focus, you gain new perspectives and your performance accelerates.

Harness your body's natural recovery power with BrainTap’s cutting-edge audio sessions. Feel rejuvenated, present, and energized, ready to tackle whatever challenge comes your way.

Unwind and recharge with BrainTap's unique mix of guided meditation, visualization, and brainwave technology. Give yourself the gift of a present mind and relaxed body.

When investing in a treatment course, optimal results are achieved when combining
the treatments with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. 
The BrainTap® Headset
Lighting the Way to a Better You

Experience the Power

of Auricular Therapy

BrainTap’s improved LED visor and headset use auricular therapy and varied frequencies to dose your eyes and ears with energy, promoting healing and overall well-being.

Quality Above All for Ultimate Comfort

Bluetooth Pairing for Wireless Convenience

Sleek Design for Your Convenience


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